Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pulut Udang (Sungai Dua)

Today's entry is a bit simple. Just  a road side 'gerai'. Located next to the char koay teow (telur ayam dibasuh). Unless you dine in the char koay teow place, then you can have the pulut udang there, otherwise it will only be a drive thru purchase. They sell nasi lemak and pulut udang. I haven't tried their nasi lemak but I love their pulut udang.

The pulut udang is soft and the filling is savoury. Maybe for someone that prefer their pulut to be a bit on the 'garing' side might not prefer this, but still give it a try for their delicious filling. Great as afternoon snack with black coffee or tea.

I was a bit shy to buy just a few, so I bought 10 and gave the other 6 to my neighbour. hahaha. One pulut udang is 60 cent. A bit expensive but the size is large compared to the average others.

They start selling from around 5 pm until around 7-7.30 pm. Do give it a try!

Place : * * * (roadside)
Food : * * * *
Price : * * * *

Friday, May 30, 2014

Warung Cendawan (Teluk Air Tawar)

This is one of my favourite place to eat. Located next to the sea at Teluk Air Tawar area. It is a bit tricky to find (I have no clue why my favourite places are usually hidden) but hopefully the below directions will help.

" From Lebuhraya Lingkaran Luar Butterworth, exit to the Teluk Air Tawar. Go along the road, there will be Air Force base along the way, keep going until there is a traffic light with small police station on the right. Keep going until you reach the second traffic light, turn left then turn right at the first junction. Keep going until you see a small bridge with 'tali air' then you need to turn left right before the bridge. You have to go along the small road right next to the small river with a lot of fishermen's boats on the right side. The 'warung' is located at the end corner."

Just a small hut.. A bit on the rundown.

Sea view with a constant breeze.


 However what they serve is quite the opposite. They serve a lot of dishes some of the famous are mee udang, nasi goreng udang, mee tulang, nasi goreng tulang, mee udang and tulang, rojak buah, ais kacang which all of these were delicious with reasonable price.

The prawns were big and fresh which also because they are located next to the fishermen's centre. The gravy was just nice and the ais kacang was superb. A simple ais kacang without any extra stuff that can sometimes change the taste.

However, the service is very slow. You need to wait quite a while, or if you are in hurry, you need to call first to make a reservation.

They open every Tuesday to Saturday from 12.30 pm to around 6 pm. But sometimes they will be out of stock even before 6 pm so it is advisable to go there early.

Place : * * * (extra star because of the sea breeze)
Food : * * * *
Price : * * * * (reasonable)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Le Boss (Sungai Petani)

This is my first post outside of Penang. The other day I went to Sungai Petani to meet up with my friend and together visited my other friend who just gave birth to a cute little daughter. So, I had the opportunity to have my lunch at Le Boss (Lagenda Height).

They serve western foods, some asian delights, steamboat and BBQ. They also provide some catering services. They have a fresh and nicely put interior decorations and they also have quite a few of aquariums inside the shop which was nice and soothing. I believe all these will look better at night.

I have no idea at first that they serve steamboat and BBQ, because I just went there from a friend's recommendation, plus I don't have enough time and crowd for that so I just opt to have their western foods.

Nadiah chose to have the mashed potato and mushroom soup served with toasted bread while I chose to have the salmon spice with salad, and macaroni with cheese as the sideline. Seriously, the foods was just so-so. The mushroom soup tasted just like from the can and a bit watery. The same goes with the mashed potato. Nothing special and the gravy was watery. As for my salmon spice, it tasted just like 'ikan goreng' as per what Nadiah said. I mean, the spice doesn't give any extra kick and quite bland and the tartar sauce tasted like a store bought. However praise for the cook because the fish is not smelly and macaroni with cheese was nice.  They also come in quite a big portion.

You see, I won't be this disappointed if the price was cheap because it is understandable that they have limited budget to prepare their own. However, with the price that they charged it was a bit overprice for  foods that tasted like a store bought. I'm sorry. Maybe they serve the BBQ and steamboat better. I don't know about this. I should go and try that some other day for further review.

Place : * * * * * (I love the aquariums)
Food : * * (as the above)
Price : * * (as the above)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kaffa Espresso Bar (Jalan Greenhall)

I've been driving past this cafe quite a few time when going to the Padang Kota to chill by the seaside. Seriously this cafe looks really beautiful at night especially the open area on the second level. They also have beautiful decorated wall on the ground floor area which you can use to take nice picture of yourself or your group of friend. ^_^

So, I manage to pull some courage and decided to hang out with my friends over there. Kaffa has been known to have beautiful decorated cafe and as per today, they already have 3 branches here in Penang.

I got the above pic from their website. Notice the beautiful setting on the second level. And, for easier access, park your car beside the Dewan Sri Pinang because the car parks provided along Jalan Green Hall will mostly full.

They serve coffee, pasta, cakes, and some western foods. I chose their English breakfast even though its suppose to be dinner and hazelnut latte as usual. Owh ya, their coffee is a bit bland for my taste, so I ordered double shot hazelnut latte.

The food was average except for the omelette which was nice. My friend ordered some cake which was also not to my liking. But the coffee was good. I had 2 servings of coffee. 

The atmosphere was nice but a bit hot because the wall (you can see the wall on the right side of the first picture) kinda block the air from the sea and the yellow bulb make it worse. But nevertheless we still had fun catching up to our stories. If you cannot deal with the heat, you can choose to sit at the ground floor where they provide the air conditioner. (the waitress did mention this to us but we still chose to have the open area sitting on the second floor because its beautiful!)

They open everyday from 8am to 10pm (the serving) but you can just hangout till late.

Place : * * * * * (nicely decorated)
Food : * * * (need improvement)
Price : * * * (expensive but that is the price nowadays for a nice coffee)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pak Long's Burger

You see, there are times when you feel like having the old style burger by the road side with cheese and egg, spicy chili sauce and mayonnaise. The one that is still piping hot and freshly made, which can't be beaten by any fast food chains' burger. Mmmmmm...

Once, I used to despise the road side burger because the patty usually smelled and tasted weird. Not until recently, I found a place that just fit my taste which is without the smells and actually taste good. Pak Long's burger because the owner is called Pak Long.

However, this place is tricky to find. Located inside the Taman Koskam in Kepala Batas next to the tom yam restaurant. You can google Taman Koskam and from there you can find it in the middle of the housing area. Although a bit tricky to find, this is surely a road side burger to try for. Open everyday  from 7.30pm until 12am.

The taste is superb without the smell of the beef, and the chili sauce and mayonnaise are just enough for the burger. The combination is just to die for. My favourite is the double special which I usually call 'papa burger'. 2 patties with a cheese slice in the middle and egg wrap on top. You can choose to sit and eat there, or at the tom yam restaurant or ask for a usual take away.

As any road side burger stall, they serve chicken burger, beef burger, hot dog and benjo/egg burger in many varieties.

Place : * *  (very tricky to find)
Food : * * * * * (full mark weehuuu)
Price : * * * * * (cheap)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Char Koay Teow (Telur Ayam Dibasuh)

I am talking about the char koay teow in Sungai Dua, Butterworth. This place is just 10 mins from my house, and almost everyday I will travel past this place. The operating hours start in the evening till early morning around 1-2 am depending on the number of customers and close on Wednesday. However, I only eat there when I'm having visitors/friends over partly because of the limited seats especially during holidays (they have a lot of seats but still not enough during peak season) and limited car parks. Usually I will come here a bit late around 12 am, for easier access.

Putting that aside, they serve char koay toew/ fried flat noodles and nasik goreng udang/prawn fried rice. They also serve just the prawn for around RM6/plate. Char koay teow comes in small, big, or special. Special comes with a fried egg on top of the koay teow. Bare in mind the portion is quite small so ordering 'big' might still not enough to satisfy you if you are really hungry.

The taste is just nice but still depends on the cook because there were times when my char koay teow come out a bit tasteless and too watery. The pickled chili on the other hand is not spicy and goes well with the koay teow.

For the first timer, from Seberang Jaya, take the Sungai Dua exit and turn right at the traffic light. If you are coming from the Kepala Batas, after the Sungai Dua toll, take the exit on the left. This place is located next to the Hameediyah Nasi Kandar restaurant. There is a specific car park but limited in number so you can just park anywhere along the road.


Place : * * * (Again parking problem but easy to access)
Food : * * * * (Minus the inconsistency)
Price : * * * * (Cheap but small portion)

Mee Mamak and Roti Bakar Bangkok Lane

If you are coming from out of Penang, this mee mamak is a try for. Located at Bangkok Lane in Jalan Burma area, this mee mamak are worth to try. You can choose to eat mee goreng/fried noodle or mee rebus/noodle with gravy that comes with sotong/squids. If you are a vegetarian, you can ask for a vegetarian version, without the sotong.

I chose to eat mee goreng with sotong. The taste was just nice. Not too sweet, or spicy like some others that I've tried previously.

When I was there, the seats was fully seated, so I have to sit at the opposite of the hawker's place. The place where the mamak sells drink. They also sell roti bakar/toast bread which was super oishi! They use charcoal to toast the bread, then put some kaya/coconut jam and planta/margarine. The texture was very crispy on the outside while soft on the inside.

Place   : * * * (Limited seats and car parks)
Foods : * * * * *
Price   : * * * * * (cheap)


Hello.. My name is Zakiah.. Some call me Kei.. Some call me Zee.. But most of my friends call me Kiah.. And the most important thing is my love for foods, thus the name of this blog..

English is not my first language, so do help me if you found any grammatical errors in any of my posts..

Thank you and welcome to my blog!